Over the year…
Graham Hodgson obtained a grant of £775 from the district scout council for skid plates on three of the open canoes, and whitewater paddles and decks for 3* trainees to use on trips. Skid plates have been done, 3 x TNP Paddles bought, and 4 neoprene decks of various sizes.
David Quoroll and his son Matt had been helping out with coaching at GDSCC for several years. In September David retired from his job at Sayers Croft outdoor learning centre, and moved the family to Cornwall, so both David and Matt will no longer be helping at GDSCC, and will both be missed.
The new District Commissioner, Ali Gisvold, has started to try and ensure that all scout activities and members meet the requirements of the Scout Association - a daunting task since the requirements change regularly, and it appears to be difficult for the Scout Association to recognise training and acceptance of members from many years back. This has caused some significant friction and loss of long standing commitments to scouts over the year, but not yet significantly impacted GDSCC. GDSCC is difficult, since it does not fit into the Scout Association Compass model, which is based around districts. Being a rare resource, GDSCC has its scout support from many out of district and out of county members.
26th January
Planning meeting held for new season.
21st February
A winter season paddle on the Basingstoke canal was enjoyed.
19th March
Hut maintenance day. The roof was confirmed as needing significant work. A couple of the concrete slabs by the jetty were re-set using some poet-crete, to try and stop them slipping towards the river over the season.
12th April
2* and 3* courses start for the season. In an attempt to avoid clashes over boat allocation, Andy Byham has supplied tags for the 2* and 3* boats, so they can be reserved for the season. 1* courses start 19th April, 24th May and 28th June.
May – July
Around 20 taster sessions were run including cubs, scouts, explorers, brownies and guides, from within the district and other parts of Surrey and Hampshire. Enjoyed by all participants and fortunate with good weather.
Vandalism attempts to break into the hut.
Although the weather for most evening sessions has been good, there was one memorable evening where we had rain, thunder, lightning and hail stones. 1* group were heading off the water due to the lightning, but had to shelter under town bridge due to the hail stones. Some trainees scared and cold, but recovered well and came back for more in following weeks.
10th & 12th August
Two beautiful evenings for the public access staycation events, ably managed by Lynn and Graham, and well supported with adult coaches and paddlers to cope with the numbers. The plan was to be flexible, providing a single 1.5 hour session if numbers were low, but numbers were high and we had 2 x 45 minutes sessions filled, and about 76 people on the water. Again all appeared to enjoy it, with quite a number of parents going on the water with their children. The event tends to stretch our provision for the smallest and largest boats – typical trainees are more mid size!
Bad language from fisherman towards paddlers
10th September
2* canoe trip and assessment on the River Medway Trail from Tonbridge to Yalding. Organised by Neil Forster, supported by Kath Beresford. Go Godalming Canoe Club supported the trip with the loan of a canoe. The fish ladders were a hit and one was successfully navigated backwards.
18th September
Kath organised a Godalming District Scout raft building and paddling event. 8 teams from 4 troops in the district took part with varying degrees of success but with much enjoyment from all. GDSCC supplied safety equipment and river cover for the event.
4th October
Committee meeting to plan AGM, discuss awards, etc.
Graham Hodgson obtained a grant of £775 from the district scout council for skid plates on three of the open canoes, and whitewater paddles and decks for 3* trainees to use on trips. Skid plates have been done, 3 x TNP Paddles bought, and 4 neoprene decks of various sizes.
David Quoroll and his son Matt had been helping out with coaching at GDSCC for several years. In September David retired from his job at Sayers Croft outdoor learning centre, and moved the family to Cornwall, so both David and Matt will no longer be helping at GDSCC, and will both be missed.
The new District Commissioner, Ali Gisvold, has started to try and ensure that all scout activities and members meet the requirements of the Scout Association - a daunting task since the requirements change regularly, and it appears to be difficult for the Scout Association to recognise training and acceptance of members from many years back. This has caused some significant friction and loss of long standing commitments to scouts over the year, but not yet significantly impacted GDSCC. GDSCC is difficult, since it does not fit into the Scout Association Compass model, which is based around districts. Being a rare resource, GDSCC has its scout support from many out of district and out of county members.
26th January
Planning meeting held for new season.
21st February
A winter season paddle on the Basingstoke canal was enjoyed.
19th March
Hut maintenance day. The roof was confirmed as needing significant work. A couple of the concrete slabs by the jetty were re-set using some poet-crete, to try and stop them slipping towards the river over the season.
12th April
2* and 3* courses start for the season. In an attempt to avoid clashes over boat allocation, Andy Byham has supplied tags for the 2* and 3* boats, so they can be reserved for the season. 1* courses start 19th April, 24th May and 28th June.
May – July
Around 20 taster sessions were run including cubs, scouts, explorers, brownies and guides, from within the district and other parts of Surrey and Hampshire. Enjoyed by all participants and fortunate with good weather.
Vandalism attempts to break into the hut.
Although the weather for most evening sessions has been good, there was one memorable evening where we had rain, thunder, lightning and hail stones. 1* group were heading off the water due to the lightning, but had to shelter under town bridge due to the hail stones. Some trainees scared and cold, but recovered well and came back for more in following weeks.
10th & 12th August
Two beautiful evenings for the public access staycation events, ably managed by Lynn and Graham, and well supported with adult coaches and paddlers to cope with the numbers. The plan was to be flexible, providing a single 1.5 hour session if numbers were low, but numbers were high and we had 2 x 45 minutes sessions filled, and about 76 people on the water. Again all appeared to enjoy it, with quite a number of parents going on the water with their children. The event tends to stretch our provision for the smallest and largest boats – typical trainees are more mid size!
Bad language from fisherman towards paddlers
10th September
2* canoe trip and assessment on the River Medway Trail from Tonbridge to Yalding. Organised by Neil Forster, supported by Kath Beresford. Go Godalming Canoe Club supported the trip with the loan of a canoe. The fish ladders were a hit and one was successfully navigated backwards.
18th September
Kath organised a Godalming District Scout raft building and paddling event. 8 teams from 4 troops in the district took part with varying degrees of success but with much enjoyment from all. GDSCC supplied safety equipment and river cover for the event.
4th October
Committee meeting to plan AGM, discuss awards, etc.
1st January
The New Year’s day paddle had more people excusing themselves than participating – it’s NOT just hangovers, people are visiting relatives etc. This year, unusually, a number of excuses were given in the form of poems.
11th January
The winter paddle programme included a canoe paddle from the Barley Mow to Odiham – actually all the way to the mouth of the Basingstoke canal tunnel. The last section has amazingly clear water – we could clearly see ducks diving and fish. Also had a stop at Odiham castle – Kath managed to let a dog steal her flapjack…
20th January
Planning meeting to ensure we have everything in hand for the new season.
9th February
Met with SSWAC (David Linley) to discuss how GDSCC and SSWAC work together. No problems identified, but we all enjoyed the chat and a pint.
22nd February
A short paddle on the Wey – to the Manor Inn and back (with stop).
21st March
Hut maintenance day – a good turnout. Slabs at top of jetty re-set, but will need concrete next time. New edging added to top stage of jetty, to replace the sheeting which was getting damaged. Clearance of the brambles growing at the upstage end of the jetty.
14th April
First aid kit checked and replenished. 2&3 star courses started.
21st April
1 star course started. There were three adults in the first 1 star course, which is unusual. We encourage this as we hope that they will go on to assist with the club, and possibly become coaches. With the 3 star course needing good boats for their white water training, this left a poor selection of boats (none if everyone turned up) for the adult 1 stars. Therefore we decided to get two additional modern large white water boats. Considered several different models, but Whitewater the Canoe Centre had two Dagger MXs, an 8.0 and an 8.5, which gives one really large kayak. These are what the Mamba is now called since they have this year’s fancy model out… The MXs proved popular, but we still had some problems getting boats for the adult 1 stars.
1st May
Some members (Jonathan Gasson, Graeme Redrup, Mouse,(Andrew Woodhouse), Kath & Simon Beresford) went to the annual camp on the Wye at Biblins – good fun and good value as always, and not too much rain. This also provided the opportunity for Sam Byham to pass his 3 star assessment on whitewater.
16th - 20th May Great Glen Trail
Four club members (Graeme Redrup, David Weedon, Kath & Simon Beresford) paddled canoes along the Great Glen Trail from Fort William to Inverness. Graeme organised as a non-club activity, but it all helps to get adults confident enough to help scouts do similar. Good weather and no midges made it relatively undemanding; also two campsites with showers and two wild camping nights meant that hygiene did not deteriorate too badly.
As the season continues, we are noticing more people parking along the side of the NT access road, making it difficult to get access. We had to help one lady push her car out of the ditch. We have managed with careful driving, and spoken to the PCSO, but the ownership for this access is complex, and it is unlikely to improve.
6th June
The first Peter Amys Memorial Paddle was organised by Lynn and Graham Hodgson, and proved a great success. We hope to make this an annual event. The short paddle, with some memorably silly costumes, was attended by Helen, Peter’s widow, and a large number of past and present canoe club members, including Andy Maddock and his father Bill. Donations for RNLI mounted to £163.95.
13th June
Kath Beresford organised a litter pick paddle along the Wey from Town Bridge to Catteshall Lock for the Godalming district scouts. Go Godalming kindly allowed us to use their canoes as well, so there were 11 canoes full of Scouts out on the river. Although there was less litter than expected, the overall quantity collected formed a large pile of bags on the NT wharf.
10 – 12 July Brownsea island
Several club members joined the SSWAC trip to Brownsea island, camping first at Redcliff (Wareham), paddling to Brownsea for a night camping, and then to Shell Bay. Challenging weather lead to all adults being needed to help a group of inexperienced sea scouts, with one pair capsizing. Although some scouts seemed surprised that there was no ‘give up’ option, they all responded to our assistance and encouragement and eventually got themselves safely to Shell Bay, hopefully with a sense of achievement and a realisation that they are capable of more than they thought.
19th July
Guy O’Malley had a Goodbye Picnic in Broadwater Park as he and Tigz are moving to Gloucestershire for a new job. Guy has assisted with the club for many years, and he will be missed. He may be able to meet some GDSCC members annually at Biblins.
30th July
Since Lynn has provided 25 years of excellent service as secretary to GDSCC, we had put her name forward for recognition, and she was selected as a Regional winner of the British Canoeing South East Volunteer & Recognition Awards 2015 in the category of Community Volunteer.
5th & 7th August
After declining for several years, GDSCC decided to provide activities for Godalming Staycation, in the form of evening canoe/kayak try outs which would not require members to use their holidays to attend. The plan was to offer 2 x 45 minute sessions, so that if there were more people than could be accommodated, they would get a chance in the second session. As ever, arrangements were made by Lynn, who coped well with the large numbers arriving (helped by good weather). Over the two evenings we had 76 people out on the water, with a good number of adults being persuaded to try with their children, and donations of £65.97. We got good feedback, especially about the numbers of coaches / paddlers who were there to help, so in spite of numbers everyone felt safe. We did have a complaint on 5th from the owner of a moored boat who suffered from colliding kayaks/canoes – we re-arranged for the 7th to keep the boats away: something to remember for next year.
4th September
Members of the club assisted with the district scouts cardboard canoe challenge.
There is no longer anyone available to maintain the district website, which means that it is not possible to update information we have put on the web. Andy Byham has set up a website at http://www.gdscc.org.uk/ which will allow the club to put up to date information on the web, and provide pictures / video which may help engage scouts.
12th September
Kath Beresford, assisted by Andy Byham and Graeme Redrup, took the 2 star group to the River Medway to complete one of their trip requirements. There were 11 canoes and kayaks, and all enjoyed the fish ladders, which break up what might become a slightly boring journey.
20th October
Pre AGM meeting held at The King Arms, Godalming.
7th November
GDSCC held a barbecue at the hut to watch the fireworks – all were encouraged to donate to the fireworks organisers. There was a good turnout, but the barbecue was slightly delayed by the wet charcoal bought by Simon.
A friend of Jonathon Gasson had two slightly used kayaks for sale at a good price, which the club decided to purchase. This means that we are way over budget and will have to consider holding back on boat purchases for the next season – also we are running out of space for boats.
Andy and Joseph Byham became Level 1 coaches.
AGM planned for 1st December.
The New Year’s day paddle had more people excusing themselves than participating – it’s NOT just hangovers, people are visiting relatives etc. This year, unusually, a number of excuses were given in the form of poems.
11th January
The winter paddle programme included a canoe paddle from the Barley Mow to Odiham – actually all the way to the mouth of the Basingstoke canal tunnel. The last section has amazingly clear water – we could clearly see ducks diving and fish. Also had a stop at Odiham castle – Kath managed to let a dog steal her flapjack…
20th January
Planning meeting to ensure we have everything in hand for the new season.
9th February
Met with SSWAC (David Linley) to discuss how GDSCC and SSWAC work together. No problems identified, but we all enjoyed the chat and a pint.
22nd February
A short paddle on the Wey – to the Manor Inn and back (with stop).
21st March
Hut maintenance day – a good turnout. Slabs at top of jetty re-set, but will need concrete next time. New edging added to top stage of jetty, to replace the sheeting which was getting damaged. Clearance of the brambles growing at the upstage end of the jetty.
14th April
First aid kit checked and replenished. 2&3 star courses started.
21st April
1 star course started. There were three adults in the first 1 star course, which is unusual. We encourage this as we hope that they will go on to assist with the club, and possibly become coaches. With the 3 star course needing good boats for their white water training, this left a poor selection of boats (none if everyone turned up) for the adult 1 stars. Therefore we decided to get two additional modern large white water boats. Considered several different models, but Whitewater the Canoe Centre had two Dagger MXs, an 8.0 and an 8.5, which gives one really large kayak. These are what the Mamba is now called since they have this year’s fancy model out… The MXs proved popular, but we still had some problems getting boats for the adult 1 stars.
1st May
Some members (Jonathan Gasson, Graeme Redrup, Mouse,(Andrew Woodhouse), Kath & Simon Beresford) went to the annual camp on the Wye at Biblins – good fun and good value as always, and not too much rain. This also provided the opportunity for Sam Byham to pass his 3 star assessment on whitewater.
16th - 20th May Great Glen Trail
Four club members (Graeme Redrup, David Weedon, Kath & Simon Beresford) paddled canoes along the Great Glen Trail from Fort William to Inverness. Graeme organised as a non-club activity, but it all helps to get adults confident enough to help scouts do similar. Good weather and no midges made it relatively undemanding; also two campsites with showers and two wild camping nights meant that hygiene did not deteriorate too badly.
As the season continues, we are noticing more people parking along the side of the NT access road, making it difficult to get access. We had to help one lady push her car out of the ditch. We have managed with careful driving, and spoken to the PCSO, but the ownership for this access is complex, and it is unlikely to improve.
6th June
The first Peter Amys Memorial Paddle was organised by Lynn and Graham Hodgson, and proved a great success. We hope to make this an annual event. The short paddle, with some memorably silly costumes, was attended by Helen, Peter’s widow, and a large number of past and present canoe club members, including Andy Maddock and his father Bill. Donations for RNLI mounted to £163.95.
13th June
Kath Beresford organised a litter pick paddle along the Wey from Town Bridge to Catteshall Lock for the Godalming district scouts. Go Godalming kindly allowed us to use their canoes as well, so there were 11 canoes full of Scouts out on the river. Although there was less litter than expected, the overall quantity collected formed a large pile of bags on the NT wharf.
10 – 12 July Brownsea island
Several club members joined the SSWAC trip to Brownsea island, camping first at Redcliff (Wareham), paddling to Brownsea for a night camping, and then to Shell Bay. Challenging weather lead to all adults being needed to help a group of inexperienced sea scouts, with one pair capsizing. Although some scouts seemed surprised that there was no ‘give up’ option, they all responded to our assistance and encouragement and eventually got themselves safely to Shell Bay, hopefully with a sense of achievement and a realisation that they are capable of more than they thought.
19th July
Guy O’Malley had a Goodbye Picnic in Broadwater Park as he and Tigz are moving to Gloucestershire for a new job. Guy has assisted with the club for many years, and he will be missed. He may be able to meet some GDSCC members annually at Biblins.
30th July
Since Lynn has provided 25 years of excellent service as secretary to GDSCC, we had put her name forward for recognition, and she was selected as a Regional winner of the British Canoeing South East Volunteer & Recognition Awards 2015 in the category of Community Volunteer.
5th & 7th August
After declining for several years, GDSCC decided to provide activities for Godalming Staycation, in the form of evening canoe/kayak try outs which would not require members to use their holidays to attend. The plan was to offer 2 x 45 minute sessions, so that if there were more people than could be accommodated, they would get a chance in the second session. As ever, arrangements were made by Lynn, who coped well with the large numbers arriving (helped by good weather). Over the two evenings we had 76 people out on the water, with a good number of adults being persuaded to try with their children, and donations of £65.97. We got good feedback, especially about the numbers of coaches / paddlers who were there to help, so in spite of numbers everyone felt safe. We did have a complaint on 5th from the owner of a moored boat who suffered from colliding kayaks/canoes – we re-arranged for the 7th to keep the boats away: something to remember for next year.
4th September
Members of the club assisted with the district scouts cardboard canoe challenge.
There is no longer anyone available to maintain the district website, which means that it is not possible to update information we have put on the web. Andy Byham has set up a website at http://www.gdscc.org.uk/ which will allow the club to put up to date information on the web, and provide pictures / video which may help engage scouts.
12th September
Kath Beresford, assisted by Andy Byham and Graeme Redrup, took the 2 star group to the River Medway to complete one of their trip requirements. There were 11 canoes and kayaks, and all enjoyed the fish ladders, which break up what might become a slightly boring journey.
20th October
Pre AGM meeting held at The King Arms, Godalming.
7th November
GDSCC held a barbecue at the hut to watch the fireworks – all were encouraged to donate to the fireworks organisers. There was a good turnout, but the barbecue was slightly delayed by the wet charcoal bought by Simon.
A friend of Jonathon Gasson had two slightly used kayaks for sale at a good price, which the club decided to purchase. This means that we are way over budget and will have to consider holding back on boat purchases for the next season – also we are running out of space for boats.
Andy and Joseph Byham became Level 1 coaches.
AGM planned for 1st December.
Due to severe rain, flooding was widespread and river flow conditions extensive, so few attempts were made to beat the current during the latter part of the winter. Fast flow conditions continued up to the beginning of May, which did not help the 1* course paddlers initially.
The Treasurer Simon Beresford carried out improvements to the jetty.
At the AGM of the District Executive, Graham Hodgson was awarded a Certificate for 25 years continuous service to scouting as Chairman of the GDSCC, by the County Commissioner.
Peter Amys, one of the originators of the club, died suddenly on the 10th June, which was during the period that his 1* course was running. A great shock to all. Many existing and ex-club members attended the funeral on 2nd July at Cobham. Jonathan Gasson gave an Eulogy. It was later agreed by the committee to organise an annual fund raising paddle to be called the Peter Amys Memorial Paddle to be held every summer. All funds raised to support the RNLI, in which Peter had a particular interest.
The club supported the Surrey Scout County event Scoutabout at the end of June, by running canoeing sessions on Ardingly Reservoir. About 300 scouts were able to enjoy a paddling session over the weekend. Huge thanks to Jonathan Gasson for managing the organisation.
May, June and July continue to be inundated with Taster sessions. 13 this year, causing occasional difficulties in finding the necessary numbers of coaches and instructors for these mid week evening events.
Again the club was unable to assist The Godalming Staycation event due to most of the coaches being away at camp or holiday.
The AGM was held at The Kings Arms & Royal Hotel in Godalming, when certificates for achievement were presented by the Mayor of Godalming Cllr Andrew Wilson. The Jack & Wilf Trophy was presented to Callum August.
Graham Hodgson stood down as Chairman after 25 years in the post. The club presented him with a paddle in recognition of his service.
Ken Willard handed over to Andy Byham the job of boatmaster. A new committee was formed, consisting of Simon Beresford as Chairman, Lynn Hodgson continuing as Secretary, and Neil Forster taking the role of Treasurer.
November 11th
The roof gulley on the extended hut gathers lots of leaves and twigs, and there were signs of leaks into the huts. After the gulley as cleared on the hut maintenance day, Dave Weedon volunteered to perform some repairs which should keep it water tight for a couple of years. Long term we would like a new roof without a gulley, which would also give more storage space, but planning permission would be an issue due to the higher roof line.
The Treasurer Simon Beresford carried out improvements to the jetty.
At the AGM of the District Executive, Graham Hodgson was awarded a Certificate for 25 years continuous service to scouting as Chairman of the GDSCC, by the County Commissioner.
Peter Amys, one of the originators of the club, died suddenly on the 10th June, which was during the period that his 1* course was running. A great shock to all. Many existing and ex-club members attended the funeral on 2nd July at Cobham. Jonathan Gasson gave an Eulogy. It was later agreed by the committee to organise an annual fund raising paddle to be called the Peter Amys Memorial Paddle to be held every summer. All funds raised to support the RNLI, in which Peter had a particular interest.
The club supported the Surrey Scout County event Scoutabout at the end of June, by running canoeing sessions on Ardingly Reservoir. About 300 scouts were able to enjoy a paddling session over the weekend. Huge thanks to Jonathan Gasson for managing the organisation.
May, June and July continue to be inundated with Taster sessions. 13 this year, causing occasional difficulties in finding the necessary numbers of coaches and instructors for these mid week evening events.
Again the club was unable to assist The Godalming Staycation event due to most of the coaches being away at camp or holiday.
The AGM was held at The Kings Arms & Royal Hotel in Godalming, when certificates for achievement were presented by the Mayor of Godalming Cllr Andrew Wilson. The Jack & Wilf Trophy was presented to Callum August.
Graham Hodgson stood down as Chairman after 25 years in the post. The club presented him with a paddle in recognition of his service.
Ken Willard handed over to Andy Byham the job of boatmaster. A new committee was formed, consisting of Simon Beresford as Chairman, Lynn Hodgson continuing as Secretary, and Neil Forster taking the role of Treasurer.
November 11th
The roof gulley on the extended hut gathers lots of leaves and twigs, and there were signs of leaks into the huts. After the gulley as cleared on the hut maintenance day, Dave Weedon volunteered to perform some repairs which should keep it water tight for a couple of years. Long term we would like a new roof without a gulley, which would also give more storage space, but planning permission would be an issue due to the higher roof line.
The season commenced on Tuesday 16th April, with the 2* and 3* courses. The first 1* course commenced a week later, followed by 2 more 1* courses at 5 week intervals. All well supported.
Many taster sessions were run, despite difficulties in maintaining the coaching staff levels. Disappointed that the club were unable to support the Staycation event in August due to many coaches being away at scout camps that week. 2 more kayaks for the smaller person were purchased.
The AGM was held at The Kings Arms and Royal Hotel in Godalming, where the Town Mayor Cllr Tom Martin presented the Jack and Wilf Trophy and other awards. This was followed by a short presentation about the River Wey & Godalming Navigations by the NT Manager, John Gibson.
Many taster sessions were run, despite difficulties in maintaining the coaching staff levels. Disappointed that the club were unable to support the Staycation event in August due to many coaches being away at scout camps that week. 2 more kayaks for the smaller person were purchased.
The AGM was held at The Kings Arms and Royal Hotel in Godalming, where the Town Mayor Cllr Tom Martin presented the Jack and Wilf Trophy and other awards. This was followed by a short presentation about the River Wey & Godalming Navigations by the NT Manager, John Gibson.
The winter programme was severely affected by the weather, which varied from driving rain, causing flooding, to deep snow.
After a sunny early spring, the Star courses commenced in cloudy, cold and generally wet weather until about July. Three 1* courses were held which were nearly to capacity, together with the 2* and 3* courses.
The club entered the Town Carnival, with a float sporting a "floating" kayak. Ken was the intrepid paddler atop the trailer. Other club Members walked alongside giving away "goody" bags to the public. All with a Jubilee coloured theme. Sadly no prizes, but the new banners helped to advertise the club.
It was decided that a small canoe trailer would be of benefit to the club (and potentially other clubs), so following grants from the District Scout Executive and both the Surrey County Councillors Steve Cosser and Peter Martin, one was purchased. This was found to be too small (not as advertised), and was upgraded in July to a more sensible size.
Once again a large number of taster sessions were undertaken, to the financial benefit of the club. In effect covering the main outgoing costs of running the club.
Godalming Town Council`s Staycation event took place in August, and the club provided two afternoons of free paddling during the week to all comers.
Ben Beresford obtained his BCU L1 Coaching certificate.
The AGM was held at the Kings Arms & Royal Hotel in Godalming, where the Town Mayor Cllr Liz Wheatley presented prizes and the Jack & Wilf trophy. This enjoyable event was followed by a presentation by Andy Maddock, a member of the club many years ago, who is now the Canoe Slalom Programme Manager GB Canoeing.
After a sunny early spring, the Star courses commenced in cloudy, cold and generally wet weather until about July. Three 1* courses were held which were nearly to capacity, together with the 2* and 3* courses.
The club entered the Town Carnival, with a float sporting a "floating" kayak. Ken was the intrepid paddler atop the trailer. Other club Members walked alongside giving away "goody" bags to the public. All with a Jubilee coloured theme. Sadly no prizes, but the new banners helped to advertise the club.
It was decided that a small canoe trailer would be of benefit to the club (and potentially other clubs), so following grants from the District Scout Executive and both the Surrey County Councillors Steve Cosser and Peter Martin, one was purchased. This was found to be too small (not as advertised), and was upgraded in July to a more sensible size.
Once again a large number of taster sessions were undertaken, to the financial benefit of the club. In effect covering the main outgoing costs of running the club.
Godalming Town Council`s Staycation event took place in August, and the club provided two afternoons of free paddling during the week to all comers.
Ben Beresford obtained his BCU L1 Coaching certificate.
The AGM was held at the Kings Arms & Royal Hotel in Godalming, where the Town Mayor Cllr Liz Wheatley presented prizes and the Jack & Wilf trophy. This enjoyable event was followed by a presentation by Andy Maddock, a member of the club many years ago, who is now the Canoe Slalom Programme Manager GB Canoeing.
Various river and sea paddles took place over the winter and spring period, with various club members "in control".
Godalming District Scouts replaced the St. George`s Day Parade with a fun day due to the lateness of Easter and clashes with the holiday period. A duck race was organised by the club on the Saturday as part of the festivities. Thanks to Graeme, Ben Hodgson, Ben and Joanna Beresford.
The usual courses were organised commencing from late April. However the take up was initially poor, but improved as the season progressed. Some later participants were generated from the many taster sessions held in May, June and July.
In late June, the club supported Surrey Scout Scoutabout weekend held at Ardingly, with hundreds of Scouts and Guides during the weekend taking to the water on the reservoir. Jonathon Gasson took on the organisational burden. All of the club Coaches and Instructors supported Jonathon over the weekend.
The club also supported the Godalming Town Council Staycation event in August, by arranging "open to the public" taster sessions over two afternoons. Over 80 people of all ages took part, with many others disappointed. Thanks to Kath, Teresa, Kerri, John, Joanna, Ken, Graham, Jonathon, Ben Hodgson and Lynn (for her on-shore admin).
In the Autumn, both Kath Beresford and Teresa Goble achieved their BCU L2 Coach awards. Three young stalwarts obtained their BCU L1 Coach qualifications; Neil and Callum Forster, and Kitt Amys. Significant steps forward for all of these participants.
Late November saw the AGM take place at The Kings Arms & Royal Hotel where the Town Mayor Cllr Steve Cosser presented the Jack & Wilf Trophy to Heather Godman, and the other course awards.
A winter programme of paddling events has been drawn up.
Godalming District Scouts replaced the St. George`s Day Parade with a fun day due to the lateness of Easter and clashes with the holiday period. A duck race was organised by the club on the Saturday as part of the festivities. Thanks to Graeme, Ben Hodgson, Ben and Joanna Beresford.
The usual courses were organised commencing from late April. However the take up was initially poor, but improved as the season progressed. Some later participants were generated from the many taster sessions held in May, June and July.
In late June, the club supported Surrey Scout Scoutabout weekend held at Ardingly, with hundreds of Scouts and Guides during the weekend taking to the water on the reservoir. Jonathon Gasson took on the organisational burden. All of the club Coaches and Instructors supported Jonathon over the weekend.
The club also supported the Godalming Town Council Staycation event in August, by arranging "open to the public" taster sessions over two afternoons. Over 80 people of all ages took part, with many others disappointed. Thanks to Kath, Teresa, Kerri, John, Joanna, Ken, Graham, Jonathon, Ben Hodgson and Lynn (for her on-shore admin).
In the Autumn, both Kath Beresford and Teresa Goble achieved their BCU L2 Coach awards. Three young stalwarts obtained their BCU L1 Coach qualifications; Neil and Callum Forster, and Kitt Amys. Significant steps forward for all of these participants.
Late November saw the AGM take place at The Kings Arms & Royal Hotel where the Town Mayor Cllr Steve Cosser presented the Jack & Wilf Trophy to Heather Godman, and the other course awards.
A winter programme of paddling events has been drawn up.
Three Passport courses together with a Discover and Excel course were again undertaken. Due to more adult involvement and interest, these latter two courses included 2* and 3* training.
The Chairman, Graham Hodgson, was presented with a 20 years service award at the AGM of the Godalming District Scout Executive meeting in May.
The hut extension roof was found to be in need of maintenance, so a work party was convened, which included some work to the jetty and other general areas of maintenance.
More and more interest has been shown in open canoeing, which has justified the previous purchases, offering 4 open canoes for club use.
Graham Hodgson was asked to organise the Cadet 150 canoe race (Dapdune Wharf to Godalming Wharf on the Armed Forces Day (26th June). On the day, he was supported by Andrew Woodhouse and Kerri Watson to ensure the safe arrival of the 35 participants.
Graham Hodgson (with assistance from Pete Harris), commenced the training of 12 Round Tablers for a canoe trip to Westminster to raise money for charity during the summer. They all achieved 2* standards, and completed the journey over 3 days at the beginning of October.
Refurbishment of the canoe trailer was found to be essential, and the trailer was duly taken to Hayling Trailers for the work. It is good to note the wide use of the trailer by other clubs and for other events.
Fortunately the club received £500 from the Co-op fund, thanks to Graeme Redrup, and the Chairman`s bid for a
£500 grant from Godalming Town Council was successful. These grants would go to meeting the costs of refurbishing the trailer and for the extensive electrical works which had to be carried out following damage to the meter box on the hut.
Kath Beresford and Graeme Redrup achieved their 3* open canoe qualification, and Joanna Beresford attained her L1 Coaching award.
The AGM was held at The Kings Arms Hotel in Godalming, where thank you badges were presented to Andrew Woodhouse, Kath Beresford and Ken Willard for their sustained commitment to ensuring the taster sessions (19) for the scouts and guides were able to be undertaken in a hectic 6 week period of evenings. John Stevens was replaced as Treasurer by Simon Beresford. John had been Treasurer since 1993, and his tenure of office was noted with a gift of a model wooden carved kayak on a plinth. This was presented to him by the Chairman with grateful thanks for such a long term commitment to the club. The Mayor of Godalming, Cllr Jane Thompson presented the J & W Trophy and Certificates and prizes to award winners.
A varied winter programme of paddles was undertaken.
The Chairman, Graham Hodgson, was presented with a 20 years service award at the AGM of the Godalming District Scout Executive meeting in May.
The hut extension roof was found to be in need of maintenance, so a work party was convened, which included some work to the jetty and other general areas of maintenance.
More and more interest has been shown in open canoeing, which has justified the previous purchases, offering 4 open canoes for club use.
Graham Hodgson was asked to organise the Cadet 150 canoe race (Dapdune Wharf to Godalming Wharf on the Armed Forces Day (26th June). On the day, he was supported by Andrew Woodhouse and Kerri Watson to ensure the safe arrival of the 35 participants.
Graham Hodgson (with assistance from Pete Harris), commenced the training of 12 Round Tablers for a canoe trip to Westminster to raise money for charity during the summer. They all achieved 2* standards, and completed the journey over 3 days at the beginning of October.
Refurbishment of the canoe trailer was found to be essential, and the trailer was duly taken to Hayling Trailers for the work. It is good to note the wide use of the trailer by other clubs and for other events.
Fortunately the club received £500 from the Co-op fund, thanks to Graeme Redrup, and the Chairman`s bid for a
£500 grant from Godalming Town Council was successful. These grants would go to meeting the costs of refurbishing the trailer and for the extensive electrical works which had to be carried out following damage to the meter box on the hut.
Kath Beresford and Graeme Redrup achieved their 3* open canoe qualification, and Joanna Beresford attained her L1 Coaching award.
The AGM was held at The Kings Arms Hotel in Godalming, where thank you badges were presented to Andrew Woodhouse, Kath Beresford and Ken Willard for their sustained commitment to ensuring the taster sessions (19) for the scouts and guides were able to be undertaken in a hectic 6 week period of evenings. John Stevens was replaced as Treasurer by Simon Beresford. John had been Treasurer since 1993, and his tenure of office was noted with a gift of a model wooden carved kayak on a plinth. This was presented to him by the Chairman with grateful thanks for such a long term commitment to the club. The Mayor of Godalming, Cllr Jane Thompson presented the J & W Trophy and Certificates and prizes to award winners.
A varied winter programme of paddles was undertaken.
The Bargate Lodge of Instruction gave the club a cheque for £200 towards maintenance or equipment purchase.
Planning Consent for the hut extension eventually was received in mid March. It was built in May, and boat racking installed. 2 open canoes,1 sit-on and 1 duo were purchased. Later in August, the jetty was improved and maintained.
Nearly all club members assisted at the Imber Court "Wet & Wacky" weekend on 5/6 September which was to celebrate 100 years of Guiding. 200 Guides took part on the club`s taster sessions on the River Ember (out of 4000 Guides on site).
Two Passport courses were run, together with a Discover course which incorporated 2* for the adults involved, and a 3* course was started. The standards were achieved, and the 3* needed further trips. A sea trip was organised by Graeme Redrup using borrowed sea kayaks on Langstone Harbour in July, supported by Graham`s rib as Safety Boat, which was needed due to the swells in the harbour.
A paddling programme for the occasional Sunday meets from October to April was agreed.
The AGM was held at The Kings Arms Hotel in December, where the Town Mayor Cllr Joy Poulter presented certificates to award winners, and also the Jack & Wilf Trophy. Graeme Redrup was presented with a paddle by the Chairman for his support and work with the club over many years, and particularly for his involvement during his tenure as DC.
Planning Consent for the hut extension eventually was received in mid March. It was built in May, and boat racking installed. 2 open canoes,1 sit-on and 1 duo were purchased. Later in August, the jetty was improved and maintained.
Nearly all club members assisted at the Imber Court "Wet & Wacky" weekend on 5/6 September which was to celebrate 100 years of Guiding. 200 Guides took part on the club`s taster sessions on the River Ember (out of 4000 Guides on site).
Two Passport courses were run, together with a Discover course which incorporated 2* for the adults involved, and a 3* course was started. The standards were achieved, and the 3* needed further trips. A sea trip was organised by Graeme Redrup using borrowed sea kayaks on Langstone Harbour in July, supported by Graham`s rib as Safety Boat, which was needed due to the swells in the harbour.
A paddling programme for the occasional Sunday meets from October to April was agreed.
The AGM was held at The Kings Arms Hotel in December, where the Town Mayor Cllr Joy Poulter presented certificates to award winners, and also the Jack & Wilf Trophy. Graeme Redrup was presented with a paddle by the Chairman for his support and work with the club over many years, and particularly for his involvement during his tenure as DC.
Winter paddles on the second and last Sundays of each month were continued. In February 4 members of the club undertook a 2* open canoe course, and were successful in passing the assessment.
The cost of the jetty refurbishment was established at £2300, and grants were bid for this. Grants received were £500 from Parsons Brinkerhoff (consultants), £100 from Mrs Simmons, £500 from Godalming Town Council, £500 from Cllr Chris Slyfield (personal allocation fund), £500 from the Sarah Marshall Charitable Trust, and £500 from the Surrey Council for Voluntary Youth Services. The materials were duly delivered and the main works undertaken on Saturday 15th March. Special mention must go to Pete and James Goble, Simon Rice together with Graham Hodgson (who project managed the scheme), and Graeme Redrup also assisted on the day. Sunday was spent dealing with smaller elements of the work and tidying up. Further materials were seen as being required to finish the job, which were ordered, duly delivered, and the Chairman and his wife Lynn spent some mornings dealing with this on site. A second Canadian was purchased together with 15 new buoyancy aids (the latter courtesy of Cllr Peter Martin from his personal allocation fund). The new Paddlepower Discover and Explore level courses commenced on 22nd April, followed a week later with the first of the three Passport courses. Extra days out for the 3* course were organised to reflect the new requirements at this standard. Taster sessions were carried out in May, June and July, with the new Paddlepower Start Achievement Certificates being awarded. Some club members attended SSWAC weekends to enhance their whitewater skills. Kath Beresford, "Mouse" Woodhouse, Teresa Goble and James Goble achieved the new BCU Coach Level 1 award. In December, the AGM was held at the Kings Arms Hotel. A "thank you" badge was awarded to Pete Goble for his work in refurbishing the jetty, and for his annual dive in the river to clear underwater debris. Certificates of Achievement and the J & W Trophy were presented by the Mayor, Councillor Paul Rivers. A Planning Application for the hut extension was made, and the task of fund raising for this work was started. BT Challenge funding in the form of a £500 grant was received and put towards this project. Surrey Street Rodders contributed £1000, Cllrs Chris Slyfield and Peter Martin donated £750 each, and Godalming TC put up £780. |
Due to pending changes in the BCU Coaching awards, 6 members of the club, including the Chairman, took and 4 passed the open canoe 3* course.
This year, commencing in May, 13 extra taster sessions were undertaken in weekday evenings. A variety of cubs, scouts, guides and youth groups were involved, in fact more groups attending theses sessions than ever before.
Regretably, canoeing organised by the club in support of the District Guides Activity Camp in July, had to be cancelled due to the significant and unusual fast flow conditions of the River Wey.
The Town Mayor, Cllr Tony Gordon-Smith and his Consort (wife) Cathy upon invitation, visited the club on Tuesday 21 August towitness the work of the club and meet the Coaches and other assistants. They were the first official visitors to take to the water in the club`s canadian canoe, under the guidance of the Chairman.
2* and 3* assessments took place at Chertsey on the River Thames in October, with only 1 not meeting the required standards. This was the last of the assessments under the existing BCU standards, as revised procedures had been put in place by the BCU for future use.
At the October club committee meeting, it was proposed by the Chairman that the jetty should be refurbished using a fibreglass grating system. This was agreed, and plans were put in hand to raise the funds (£2500) and arrange the works.
The 2007 AGM was held at the Con Club, and was attended by the Deputy Mayor Cllr Penny Rivers. Certificates of achievement and the J & W trophy were presented by the Mayor.
This year, commencing in May, 13 extra taster sessions were undertaken in weekday evenings. A variety of cubs, scouts, guides and youth groups were involved, in fact more groups attending theses sessions than ever before.
Regretably, canoeing organised by the club in support of the District Guides Activity Camp in July, had to be cancelled due to the significant and unusual fast flow conditions of the River Wey.
The Town Mayor, Cllr Tony Gordon-Smith and his Consort (wife) Cathy upon invitation, visited the club on Tuesday 21 August towitness the work of the club and meet the Coaches and other assistants. They were the first official visitors to take to the water in the club`s canadian canoe, under the guidance of the Chairman.
2* and 3* assessments took place at Chertsey on the River Thames in October, with only 1 not meeting the required standards. This was the last of the assessments under the existing BCU standards, as revised procedures had been put in place by the BCU for future use.
At the October club committee meeting, it was proposed by the Chairman that the jetty should be refurbished using a fibreglass grating system. This was agreed, and plans were put in hand to raise the funds (£2500) and arrange the works.
The 2007 AGM was held at the Con Club, and was attended by the Deputy Mayor Cllr Penny Rivers. Certificates of achievement and the J & W trophy were presented by the Mayor.
Francis Harrison of Harrison Hire was awarded a "Thank You" badge, for continuing to support the club since 1992 with the delivery of free scaffold planks for the ongoing and essential jetty maintenance. The maintenance work itself continuing to be undertaken mainly by Graham Hodgson, Mike Pennick, Ken Willard and John Richardson ably assisted by John Stevens and other occasional helpers.
Graham Hodgson was presented with a "Volunteer Certificate" from the Town Council for his commitment to the club amongst other interests.
The trailer was returned to the manufacturers for modification (and some maintenance) to enable more of the modern smaller kayaks to be carried.
At the AGM, it was noted that the Sarah Marshall Charitable Trust had made a significant donation to the club, and Alan Hill from the Godalming and Villages Lions Club, presented a cheque to the club for £1020, once again underlining the local support given by them to the club. The funds were raised at a quiz night organised by the Lions Club, at which the club was represented by two teams.
Graeme Redrup, DC, awarded "Thank You" badges to Lynn Hodgson, Secretary, and John Stevens, Treasurer, for their long service and continuing commitment to running the club.
Graham Hodgson was presented with a "Volunteer Certificate" from the Town Council for his commitment to the club amongst other interests.
The trailer was returned to the manufacturers for modification (and some maintenance) to enable more of the modern smaller kayaks to be carried.
At the AGM, it was noted that the Sarah Marshall Charitable Trust had made a significant donation to the club, and Alan Hill from the Godalming and Villages Lions Club, presented a cheque to the club for £1020, once again underlining the local support given by them to the club. The funds were raised at a quiz night organised by the Lions Club, at which the club was represented by two teams.
Graeme Redrup, DC, awarded "Thank You" badges to Lynn Hodgson, Secretary, and John Stevens, Treasurer, for their long service and continuing commitment to running the club.
This year the club once again supported the bi-annual County camp at Ardingly in July.
Ken Willard was presented with a "Volunteer Certificate" from the Town Council as a reflection on his commitment to scouting for so many years.
BT Challenge grant funding of £500 enabled a new kayak and equipment to be purchased.
Ken Willard was presented with a "Volunteer Certificate" from the Town Council as a reflection on his commitment to scouting for so many years.
BT Challenge grant funding of £500 enabled a new kayak and equipment to be purchased.
One of the founder members of the club, Peter Amys resigned from the committee due to taking up the post of GSL to Cobham scouts.
Ken Willard agreed to take over the role of Boatmaster, which Peter Amys had been carrying out for some time
Ken Willard agreed to take over the role of Boatmaster, which Peter Amys had been carrying out for some time
A new hut for SSWAC was erected on the Wharf close to the GDSCC premises. This self-help venture was effectively project managed by Graham Hodgson and built by GDSCC members, with particular input from Doug Smith, Graham Keen and John Richardson. Graham Keen again organised and implemented the laying of the foundations.
The opportunity was taken as part of the introduction of the SSWAC hut, to introduce mains water, at last, to the site. Toilets and changing facilities became available to all who used the Godalming Canoeing Centre at the Wharf, Godalming.
Doug Smith was lost to the club, having taken the decision to move to Devon.
The GDSCC hut was re-roofed by Doug Smith and Graham Keen, with some committee assistance. The Godalming Lions funded this work. At the AGM held at The Manor Inn, Meadrow, Godalming, to support the presentation of the annual "Jack and Wilf" trophy, Certificates were introduced and presented for the first time, reflecting the individual standards achieved in the 1*, 2* and 3* BCU courses. These were presented by Cllr Penny Rivers, Godalming Town Mayor.
Graham Hodgson, Chairman, was awarded the Scout Bronze Medal for over 10 years’ services to scouting for running the club.
The opportunity was taken as part of the introduction of the SSWAC hut, to introduce mains water, at last, to the site. Toilets and changing facilities became available to all who used the Godalming Canoeing Centre at the Wharf, Godalming.
Doug Smith was lost to the club, having taken the decision to move to Devon.
The GDSCC hut was re-roofed by Doug Smith and Graham Keen, with some committee assistance. The Godalming Lions funded this work. At the AGM held at The Manor Inn, Meadrow, Godalming, to support the presentation of the annual "Jack and Wilf" trophy, Certificates were introduced and presented for the first time, reflecting the individual standards achieved in the 1*, 2* and 3* BCU courses. These were presented by Cllr Penny Rivers, Godalming Town Mayor.
Graham Hodgson, Chairman, was awarded the Scout Bronze Medal for over 10 years’ services to scouting for running the club.
The GDSCC reached its 25th birthday year. A special evening to note this event was organised in the July. Cllr Maureen Nyazai, Godalming Town Mayor officiated, and unveiled a plaque to commemorate the 25 years of existence. It is noted that her ongoing support of the club, particularly in financial terms was most welcome.
In April at the completion of her term of office as Town Mayor, Cllr Maureen Nyazai invited the GDSCC Chairman, Graham Hodgson, to reply on behalf of her guests at the annual Mayors` dinner. This was a singular honour to represent all the youth leaders of the district, and have the community youth leaders recognised in this way.
In April at the completion of her term of office as Town Mayor, Cllr Maureen Nyazai invited the GDSCC Chairman, Graham Hodgson, to reply on behalf of her guests at the annual Mayors` dinner. This was a singular honour to represent all the youth leaders of the district, and have the community youth leaders recognised in this way.
Mains electricity was brought to the hut, and the club was fortunate that a qualified electrician scout leader Mick Company was prepared to fit all the necessary cabling, lights and switches inside the hut. Pipeway Ltd generously carried out the laying of the cross-road ducts at no cost to facilitate underground power cabling access and future pipework to be laid.
The original canoe trailer was aging and restricted the number of boats which could be loaded. There was no room for the other equipment either. It was decided to replace it, and due to the generosity of the Godalming Town Council, Godalming Woolsack Rotary Club, Godalming Lions Club and Losely Estates Charities, a new trailer was ordered. It was collected early in 1997.
Helen Brockis had to resign from the post of Secretary because she had to move out of the area. Lynn Hodgson agreed to act as Secretary temporarily.
Helen Brockis had to resign from the post of Secretary because she had to move out of the area. Lynn Hodgson agreed to act as Secretary temporarily.
Barry Rapley `retired` from the post of Treasurer, which he held for 15 or 16 years. He was also a founder member of the club. John Stevens agreed to take on the role of Treasurer. Jackie Keen also `retired` from being Secretary for about the same period. Helen Brockis was persuaded to take on this important role.
It was during this period (up to 1994) that Bedford Road swimming baths were used on winter Sunday evenings for rolling and technique practice. For a further two winters, the old swimming pool at Charterhouse school was used until it was demolished.
It was during this period (up to 1994) that Bedford Road swimming baths were used on winter Sunday evenings for rolling and technique practice. For a further two winters, the old swimming pool at Charterhouse school was used until it was demolished.
For many years the Guide hut had withstood gales, rain and snow, together with significant wear and tear on its structure and internal racking. There was concern that it would not last much longer.
A large wooden hut in excellent condition became available through contacts of Jonathon Gasson, providing it was dismantled and moved within a very few weeks from the site in Great Bookham. The committee made the decision to dismantle the hut, and move it to storage at Normandy (Jonathan`s spare garage). Graham Hodgson project managed the move, from the dismantling and storage of the hut, obtaining consent from the National Trust (River Wey & Godalming Navigations) for a site, and achieving Planning Consent from Waverley Borough Council. In October, Graham Keen with his company (contractors) laid the foundations. In early November Doug Smith organised the erection of the hut, and John Richardson dealt with the roofing. All works were supported by the committee and any other scouter or Lay person who offered a hand. The winter started with lining the hut with ¾ ply, and erecting the scaffolding which formed the racking. The jetty followed, using most of the now defunct (dismantled) Guide hut timbers over the scaffold framework, and was completed due mainly to the mammoth efforts of Stuart Pevy, John Richardson and Graham Hodgson. |
A programme of equipment replacement was undertaken by the committee. The GRP boats required significant annual maintenance, and with the onset of plastic boat construction and wide availability, it became necessary to initiate changes to the fleet. In due course, all the GRP boats were replaced, over a period of 12 years. However, an on going replacement programme continues.
Graham Hodgson agreed to take over the Chair at the AGM.
Graeme Redrup chaired the committee during this period.

Instructing scouts commenced this year. The interest and demand for courses was very high. The canoes had to be loaded onto the trailer and taken to the River Wey. They had then to be reloaded and returned to the Queen Street Fire Station for storage. The Godalming Amateur Dramatic Society kindly consented to this arrangement.
The Fire Station at that time was being used by other youth movements, which eventually forced the GDSCC to look elsewhere for storage accommodation.
Following delicate negotiations, the Guide/Ranger hut at the Wharf, Godalming, was brought into use for canoe storage and as a base for training. The old whaler had to be retained in the hut. This hut was replaced after about one year with a 3rd hand hut, which belonged to the Rector of Busbridge.
The Fire Station at that time was being used by other youth movements, which eventually forced the GDSCC to look elsewhere for storage accommodation.
Following delicate negotiations, the Guide/Ranger hut at the Wharf, Godalming, was brought into use for canoe storage and as a base for training. The old whaler had to be retained in the hut. This hut was replaced after about one year with a 3rd hand hut, which belonged to the Rector of Busbridge.
At this point and the following winter, moulds were hired and 6 canoes were built. All the Instructors took a weeks holiday, and the boats were constructed at St Peter & St Paul`s HQ, and the old 2nd Godalming Scout HQ hut.
Meetings continued on a regular basis every Tuesday at the old Godalming swimming pool, with those interested being taught by the Army Youth Team.
The original kayaks were obtained from the Godalming Woolpack Venture Unit. Other boats came from other sources within the district. Some were GRP, and some were timber framed with canvas skins.
The original kayaks were obtained from the Godalming Woolpack Venture Unit. Other boats came from other sources within the district. Some were GRP, and some were timber framed with canvas skins.
The first meeting to form the club was held at the Old Fire Station, Queen Street, Godalming. Representatives from each Troop attended.
Jack Horne ADC chaired the meeting. Wilf Pearce was the District Chaplain – hence the “Jack & Wilf” Trophy.
Brian Saunders as a Lay Member, became the secretary and processed the work necessary to form the club.
Jack Horne ADC chaired the meeting. Wilf Pearce was the District Chaplain – hence the “Jack & Wilf” Trophy.
Brian Saunders as a Lay Member, became the secretary and processed the work necessary to form the club.
The Godalming District Cyclopaddlecross took place – the GDSCC idea was formed.
John Lovelace was DC, and looked to District resources to develop outside activities.
John Lovelace was DC, and looked to District resources to develop outside activities.